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Ontree is a tree care service provider to commercial and residential clients in the GTA. We are members of ISA,...
Ontree is a tree care service provider to commercial and residential clients in the GTA. We are members of ISA,...
(Nectria Galligena) Almost all trees are susceptible to cankers, a disease of the bark or wood of a tree, caused...
One of Canada’s most loved tree species, the Sugar maple (Acer saccharum), may be in decline again. A tree that...
Many tree issues may stem from root and lower trunk damage in one form or another. Poor planting, construction damage,...
As most of you know, ash trees in the GTA (and beyond) are being affected by the Emerald Ash Borer,...
Ontree attended the PM Expo this year at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre (south building, 222 Bremner Boulevard). This show...
Tree pruning for young trees can help strengthen weak branches Formative pruning is essential to develop a youngster into a...
Pests, diseases, and issues to pay attention to Spider Mite Pest or Disease: Spider Mite Phenology and/or Species: Viburnum fruiting...
Toronto arborists detail areas to check for tree defects Recently Ontree’s arborists have noticed a few trees that are exhibiting...
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